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  • Well, the new forums are up and running at forums.kjodle.net (with an "s"). I haven't figured out the import yet, so for now I'm leaving this forum up, although I'm closing registrations and logins here. I've also created a user-to-user forum for…
  • You're welcome. We shouldn't need to repost anything. myBB has an import function that should pull in user accounts and forum posts. I'm experimenting around with this on another domain and will transfer it over here when I get it working without a …
  • @ericxob77 I left there some time ago, so I wasn't aware anybody was still there. I see now that if you don't currently have an account, it redirects you automatically to GoDaddy. I'll leave the lights on here and wait for the flood.
  • Wow! Thank you for the very informative post. I was actually about to close this forum down as it has been so quiet lately, but I can see now that its usefulness has not entirely evaporated.
  • Thanks for the update, @klynton. We are really looking forward to this launch!
  • Any idea if they have an inode limit? I couldn't find one on their site.
  • Hi @Paul, There isn't much on their site about Go, but I managed to find a single forum post about golang here. It's actually a how-to for installing whichever version, or multiples versions, of Go on your server. (The post doesn't state wheth…
    in DreamHost Comment by kjodle March 2019
  • I've gone back to the DreamHost for the time being. Their VPS is reasonable, though still more expensive than WF. And they do email. That said, running an email server is far different to running a web server. If you don't have high email usage, …
  • @klynton said: Hey folks, I worked at WF for 4 years (https://community.webfaction.com/users/10/klynton) and managed the sysadmin team for a while. Just wanted to say something is coming Thanks for joining us here Klynton. …
  • @Amixxx said: Their VPS plans are light on the details. What kind of stack are they running? Hi, @Amixxx. I logged in via SSH and got this information: Welcome to Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.14.52-vs2.3.6.15-1 x86_64) wh…
    in DreamHost Comment by kjodle March 2019
  • @kieren said: I think the Dreamhost documentation is confusing in this regard. I think it's a 10 minute interval IF you setup/edit the cronjob via their panel. I just ssh in and edit the crontab directly and if you do that it's just like any norm…
  • @bici said: Gandi charges 26.00 per month in CAD $.. way too pricey for me! Ouch! That's really expensive.
    in Gandi Comment by kjodle February 2019
  • @bici said: I am currently kicking the tires at A2HOSTING.COM while they are a few $$ more expensive than webfaction so far i don't mind the experience ( cPanel not my fave ). a lot more trying out before i can say if it's my new webhosting…
  • @bici said: I tried DreamHost but i really disliked their naming conventions for USERS and Accounts. ugh. I don't have a problem with it, perhaps because I am used to it. But this is a thing that VERY much bugged me with some hosts I trie…
  • I have used NFS for a few websites. I haven't gotten into using them a lot, because their backend is quirky (quirky good, not quirky weird) and I just haven't had the time to fully explore it. But you only pay for the resources you use, so if you're…
  • Apparently, NearlyFreeSpeech.net will support Django. See this blog post.
  • @geoster said: I'm looking here at there plans https://www.a2hosting.com/web-hosting/compare and figure I'll test the Turbo plan. Well, the Swift and Turbo are fairly similar. Sadly, they only offer a discount on first purchase so unless I get…
  • Well, maybe not. I've had a support ticket in since Sunday because I cannot for the life of me figure out how to add two CNAME records for a couple of subdomains that point toward AWS buckets. That's two entire days, and the only response I've gotte…
    in Gandi Comment by kjodle January 2019
  • @pete said: I believe Gandi is better known as a registrar/DNS provider than webhost, so maybe good move to keep your domains there at least. Agreed. That's my plan for now. I'm going to transfer my registrations from DreamHost to Gand…
    in Gandi Comment by kjodle January 2019
  • @ndjensen: Thanks for both of these links. Once things calm down, I'm going to dig into both of these a bit more. Get Lark looks promising!
  • @ndjensen I'd rather spend time on the content than the backend That's where I'm at right now. I love playing and experimenting and learning new things, but for the foreseeable future, I just need things to work so i can push some cont…
  • Okay, I lied. I have this domain registered at DreamHost, but I'm moving it to Gandi, because DreamHost has a lot of screwed up DNS records and I want a fresh start. So there may be a few intermittent outages, but the last time I transferred a domai…
  • One note about DreamHost crontab: the smallest interval you can schedule is 10 minutes. If you need a process to run more often than that (Moodle needs cron to run every minute, for example) you're out of luck.
  • Turns out, I couldn't quite figure out how to set my nameservers at DreamHost to point to Gandi, so I've given up on this route. I did transfer a registration there, and both the hosting and email worked great. For my own purposes, I would transfer …
    in Gandi Comment by kjodle January 2019
  • > It's a little quirky, which a slightly more attractive, but more complicated panel than WebFaction has. "with" not "which". Sorry !
    in Gandi Comment by kjodle January 2019
  • @ericxob77 I'm still looking for "Alternative To" WebFaction. Is anyone else out there? eo I'm experimenting with Gandi at the moment (and will probably move to them soon). You can read about it in this thread: https://forum.kj…
  • I installed WordPress via their one-click. The process went smoothly. I also moved an existing DokuWiki install via sFTP. Like I said above, it took forever, but everything worked fine without my having to tweak anything. I installed Moodle fr…
    in Gandi Comment by kjodle January 2019
  • I looked at Hostiso, FastComet, Hostwinds, and experimented with Cloudways and Linode. Right now, I'm trying out Gandi, and I'll post my thoughts in a separate thread.